Marco Barba
A group of friends bound by their passion for biodynamic viticulture and the respect for nature. From a casual project to a real adventure: the challenge to produce raw and genuine wines from clean and authentic grapes.
Marcobarba is a project born by an idea of Marco and Stefano, realized and carried on by the “Barbaboyz” in Menti Winery in Gambellara. The Barbaboyz take care of small plots of abandoned vineyards owned by some elderly widows, between the white sedimentary terrains of the vineyards around Lonigo and the dark and volcanic soils of Gambellara, as well as contributing to produce Giovanni Menti Wines.
From the grapes they grow with biodynamic practices, Marco produces about 40,000 Marcobarba wine bottles a year among fizzy white, still white, red and grappa.
Barbarossa 2022€18,04
Barbabolla 2023€18,75
Barbabianca 2023€17,34